Sunday 15 May 2016

Sweet Prayers for an Ordination

I wouldn't necessarily say that I "specialise" in ecclesiastical cakes,  but I feel safe in saying that I am comfortable with the genre. I grew up in this world as my Father was a priest and my Mother was active within the Altar Guild among many other groups. The altar frontals, and their beautiful fabrics; the linens and their precise ways to fold them; as well as the vestments worm by the Priest with their symbolism and embroidery. Each piece has a meaning and can in some cases represent a different stepping stone on the path a priest takes in his or her training. For example, when a Deacon in ordained Priest his vestments are noticeably altered; The new Priest no longer wears the stole diagonally across their bodies but instead it falls on either side of their neck, over their shoulders.  Their chasubles also have a different looks because of where the bands of fabric are placed.

When trying to combine the two world and create edible vestments, I wanted to stay elegant. This cake was in celebration of our Curate being ordained into the Priesthood, and so I wanted to capture one of these visible changes. From now on, he will wear slightly different vestments, and be able to perform new tasks within the ceremonies, and hopefully this cake was a sweet start to a new chapter.
Congratulations James!

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